Tanyaradzwa Mundoga
Board Member
Park Boards
Tanyaradzwa Mundoga was born in Zimbabwe. He is an environment and natural resources policy and governance expert who has more than 15 years’ experience in the public service. He holds a Master’s Degree in Development Studies and a Bachelors’ Degree in Geography and Environmental Studies along with various post graduate certificates. He started his career as a Meteorological Officer in 2003 with the Zimbabwe Meteorological Services Department before being promoted to the post of Meteorologist in 2009. He then joined the then Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Management in the same year as a Deputy Director for Natural Resources. Since 2010 he has been appointed into several national and international boards and committees such as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) as Chair and Council Member for Southern Africa, Africa Regional Representative for the Global Environment facility 7th Replenishment negotiations, Non-Executive Director for Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority and the Environmental Management Agency. He has published on environment in various journals and has led and coordinated the creation of several multimillion dollar regional and national conservation projects. Currently he is the Co-Chairperson for the Gonarezhou Conservation Trust (GCT), a co-management partnership for Gonarezhou National Park between Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority and the Frankfurt Zoological Society of Germany. He has now been appointed as a trustee for the newly created Matusadona Conservation Trust (MCT), which is another partnership arrangement between African Parks Network and Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority. His main interests are in environment and development governance issues; monitoring and evaluation; and environmental financing.