
Sango de Sa

Park Administrator

Park Management

Sango dos Anjos Carlos Sá, was born in Uíge, Northern Angola. Biologist in the Agostinho Neto University, in 2010. In 2017, Master's Degree in Environmental Management and Governance at Universidade Agostinho Neto, working as final report on "bases for elaboration and Implementation of Management Plan of the Cangandala National Park", obteining experience in integration and participation works with local communities in management of the Parks. Working for Ministry of Environment of Angola since 2011, having experiences in the political orientation and management of the National System of the angolan Protected Areas and member of staff of the National Institute of Biodiversity and Conservation Areas (INBAC) in 2012, appointed as Head of Department of Biodiversity Management from 2013 to 2019 with participation in several Scientific Research teams on fauna and flora in Angola. In 2019, appointed as Administrator of the Iona National Park to represent INBAC in the Integrated in the Park Managment (PMU), under the Contract signed between INBAC and African Parks for the management of the National Park of Iona.