African Parks UK is a registered charitable foundation in the UK (OSCR registration number SC050047), whose purpose is to help raise funds from private individuals, foundations, institutions, governments and other organizations in the UK who are interested in supporting the work of African Parks.
When you are a UK tax payer and fill out a Gift Aid Declaration, we are able to reclaim an extra 25% on every eligible donation. Gift Aid can be reclaimed on donations made by individuals who pay UK income or capital gains tax.
Board members of African Parks UK:
- Mr. Jon Zehner, Chair
- Mr. Matt Todd, Board Member
- Mr. Charles Graham, Board Member
- Ms. Maureen Hooft Graafland, Board Member
For general inquiries, please write to [email protected]
African Parks UK is a Scottish Charity, SC050047, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) Companies House Registration reference nr: SC650944