Biodiversity Conservation

About Chinko

Chinko forms 64,000km2 of 107,500 km2 of continuous wilderness comprising savannah and tropical forest, mixed habitats that have resulted in extraordinary wildlife diversity. Remarkably, despite decades of instability and poaching, the ecosystem has largely remained intact with remnant populations of key species. With a sound conservation and management approach, security within Chinko’s core area has improved, and wildlife numbers are stabilising and increasing. As we begin to understand this largely under researched area, a rich diversity of species are being documented. Chinko is one of the only protected areas in the world where both forest and savannah elephant coexist, and is the ideal habitat for transition species such as the lowland bongo, giant forest hog and yellow-backed duiker; numbers indicate that it is home to the largest protected population of these species in the world. In addition, Chinko’s vast expanse provides outstanding space for its wild dog packs.  

Monitoring and Surveys

According to research and monitoring efforts, Chinko the Central African Republic (CAR), could host the largest protected population of bongo antelope in the world © African Parks

Continuous biological monitoring is being implemented to document the recovery of key wildlife populations. Recent wildlife population surveys and camera-trap data have shown a steady recovery of most key wildlife populations – including giant eland, west central African buffalo, and defassa waterbuck – and confirming the presence of elephant and hippo in that region. After the northern lion population had shrunk massively and become locally extinct in some areas due to uncontrolled pastoralism, increasing numbers and range expansion have been observed.

A breeding population of eastern chimpanzee was confirmed through camera trap observations and vocalisations in northern Chinko. This significant finding has increased the known distribution range of chimpanzee in the eastern CAR wilderness.

Conservation Law Enforcement

Chinko operates in a complex environment that must consider not only direct threats to conservation, but also regional insecurity, a complex governance environment, and high levels of poverty among both sedentary and nomadic populations in the periphery. Protecting the park, its wildlife, and surrounding communities go hand in hand in helping the long-term viability of the entire area.

Rangers regularly undergo leadership training, with lectures on conservation law enforcement, biodiversity, first aid and human rights. Through extensive tracking and surveillance within Chinko, 60 ECHO monitors document wildlife populations and habitats, and actively manage the fringes of the park, interacting with local hunters, fishermen, miners, honey gatherers, loggers and other members of settled communities.

Since 2016, TANGO teams – Transhumance Sensitisation Officers employed from local communities – have engaged with transhumance herders coming into CAR from Sudan, guiding them to herd their cattle towards designated corridors to avoid sensitive wildlife habitats. During the transhumance season, TANGO teams spend up to six months in the field on the periphery of the protected area, raising awareness of the value of conservation, and promoting a sustainable grazing approach. This creative solution also fosters peaceful coexistence between nomadic pastoralists and sedentary communities in eastern CAR.