Support Our Rangers
Double your impact with a matched donation during Ranger Week
African Parks’ rangers help provide long-term stability and safety for people and wildlife living in and around the protected areas we manage. In addition to the vital role of protecting nature these men and women play a role in their communities by helping educate and raise awareness around biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources so that conservation-led economies can be created in the areas in which African Parks operates.
2,119 rangers protect 20 million hectares of biodiversity
We employ over 2,119 rangers –and thanks to their commitment in often very challenging circumstances, we can sustain thriving wildlife populations and positive community development across 22 parks in 12 countries.
Thanks to a generous donor, when you donate during Ranger Week, your donation will be matched up to $50,000, doubling your impact.
Donate TodayWhen you donate to African Parks, 100% of your donation goes to the field, where it has the greatest impact.
Help us unlock more benefits:
- $150 provides a ranger with binoculars to spot and monitor animals
- $200 provides a durable uniform (set of pants and a shirt)
- $500 provides a ranger with a reliable GPS device and satellite communications to navigate
- $1000 provides a ranger with an essential field patrolling kit (patrol medic kit, tactical torch, solar battery bank, compass, and a multifuel stove)
- $2500 provides a ranger with annual field ranger training

In 2023, our rangers:
- Helped create safe spaces for 31 reintroductions of species to areas where previously extinct over the past 20 years
- Patrolled 20 million hectares of landscapes to keep wildlife and local people safe
- Kept poaching levels of key species at a minimum
- Assisted in stabilizing and increasing 84% of key indicator species
- Monitored and researched a variety of species including rhino, wild dog, tiang, dugong, gorilla, and lion to help better understand and protect wildlife across the protected areas
- Confiscated 284 firearms and 7,128 rounds of ammunition to counter the effects of illegal and unsustainable natural resource harvesting, with the added benefit of improving the safety of communities threatened by criminals possessing illegal firearms
98% of African Parks rangers come from communities in and around the 22 protected areas that we manage.

Rangers are Communicators
Given most rangers come from the communities they serve, they are a vital link for effective communication between the 22 protected areas for which we are responsible, and the communities living in or around them. This allows them to:
- Raise awareness and educate people about the importance of protecting nature, and the benefits including ecosystem services and in using natural resources sustainably.
- They provide a face for conservation and act as role models to community members.
- Help provide and support solutions for Human-Wildlife Conflict to allow people to live alongside wildlife

Help us unlock more benefits
By raising critical funding for these rangers, you unlock vital benefits for people and wildlife across Africa, including:
- Ensuring our cohort of rangers are constantly trained and equipped to do their work effectively and professionally
- Employing and training more rangers, especially women
- Sensitising communities living in and around the parks as to the benefits of well-managed protected areas, and the role rangers play in creating safe places, through environmental education, community environment days, and other events
- Providing effective protection of endangered species
- Bringing more technology to remote areas, such as geospatial mapping, and utilising real-time intelligence to aid their overall impact in creating safe spaces
Donate today and help us unlock more benefits
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