Community Development

Liuwa contributes to employment and tourism revenue through ongoing community engagement and integration, while at the same time helping to renew the people’s commitment to and feeling of custodianship for the landscape. Today, the park is the largest employer in the region, providing critical educational and health benefits to the communities.

Community Engagement

The Barotse Royal Establishment is represented by two members of the African Parks Zambia Board to provide a voice for the people regarding governance and decision-making. Over 100 meetings with the community take place annually.

A series of meetings with local fishermen, traditional parliaments, and local chiefs have been held to clarify penalties for breaches and the implementation of fishing permits for the hundreds of traditional fishing pools inside the park.

A major challenge for communities in and around Liuwa is ongoing human-wildlife conflict (HWC) which poses a threat to cattle farmers. Liuwa introduced a HWC Mitigation Fund and sensitisation programme, which includes financial reimbursement to registered farmers adhering to the regulations of the fund for cattle that have been killed by a predator. The fund also provides conflict mitigation tools such as cowbells and solar alarm lamps to deter hyaena and other predators. Ongoing awareness-raising meetings around HWC are also held which has resulted in more cases being reported as people now feel that support is available.

Education and Environmental Awareness

Through Liuwa Environmental Education Programme (LEEP), conservation clubs have been established in several schools in and around the park to increase environmental awareness and highlight opportunities to improve livelihoods through tourism and conservation. The park’s school sponsorship programme provides bursaries and covers schooling and boarding fees for 230 students, providing them with textbooks, extra learning material, and uniforms as well. An increasing number of teachers from the communities are being supported each year.

Sustainable Enterprise Development

A member of the sustainable agriculture team in Liuwa working with local community © Mana Meadows

Liuwa has become a major supporter of sustainable livelihood projects in the area. Through the Jumpstart Project, various sustainability projects assist the community to move towards more drought-resistant crops and conservation-compatible agriculture, as well as harvesting and selling honey and dried mango. A major benefit to local fishermen has been the provision of a truck to get their fish to market in the larger centres such as Mongu, thereby enabling them to earn higher prices for their catch.

African Parks’ sustainable agriculture team is focusing on upskilling community members and field workers. Farmer Field Schools, an agricultural education programme, currently have some 4,700 farmers learning sustainable farming methods. All these projects are having a positive impact on food security.

The Community Resource Board Agro-Vet shop in Kalabo continues to be successful, providing community members with access to equipment and seeds and promoting sustainable farming methods. The total income from enterprise development increased by over 50% in 2023.

Community Infrastructure Development

African Parks makes monthly payments to a Community Development Fund established by Liuwa Plain National Park. The amount is directly linked to the degree of illegal hunting occurring in the park, with larger sums being awarded in acknowledgment of effective anti-poaching efforts by a community. Proceeds from the fund are used for projects chosen by the communities themselves and have included canoes for transport, building materials for school buildings, teachers’ houses and rural health clinics.