Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

African Parks' conservation model – for both terrestrial and marine ecosystems – represents an integrated nature-based solution to climate change, which also benefits biodiversity. Nature-based solutions are defined as actions that protect, sustainably manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems and are heralded as one of the most cost-effective adaptations to climate change. The reason nature-based solutions are so effective is because they mitigate (slow rate of global warming), adapt (living with the effects), and provide resilience for local communities. Our parks are on the frontline of climate action. We secure the carbon captured in the plants and soil in places of high biodiversity value, promote the rehabilitation of viable landscapes and sustainable use of their natural resources, and by building resilience to change. For example, both Chinko (CAR) and Odzala-Kokoua National Park (Congo) encompasses landscapes that include Congolian lowland rainforest and by protecting these forests and wetland catchment areas, the parks are contributing to the regulation and supply of water, and sequestering carbon which increase the resilience of local populations and the environment to climate shifts.