Into the Light

African Parks Annual Report 2021

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We are pleased to present our 2021 Annual Report, Into the Light, which details the enduring impacts we are making through the effective management of 19 parks, in 11 countries across the continent, with your support.

In this report, you’ll read about the rise we’re seeing in reclaiming natural heritage through the increase of citizens visiting their own parks; the significant reduction of poaching levels; and historic relocations, such as the largest white rhino translocation to Rwanda, bringing wild dogs back to Malawi, and bolstering founding populations of cheetahs in three parks. You’ll also read about the life-altering benefits each park is providing to some of the most under-served people on the planet.

Thank you for your support, and for creating a truly brighter, more sustainable future.

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The African Parks Portfolio

Founded in 2000, African Parks takes on complete responsibility for the long-term management of national parks and protected areas in partnership with Governments and local communities. By the close of 2021, African Parks had 19 parks under management in 11 countries, over 14.8 million hectares (57,143 square miles), covering 10 of the 13 ecological biomes on mainland Africa. This is the largest and most ecologically diverse amount of land under protection for any one NGO on the continent.

2021 By the Numbers

Ecological: Healthy Ecosystems Benefit Wildlife and People

When national parks are protected and effectively managed, they provide life-altering benefits like clean air, water and food security. Our Rangers provide security and create safe places by preventing key threats, laying the needed foundation for healthy ecosystems and sustainable development.

 Ecological: Healthy Ecosystems Benefit Wildlife and People


Socio-Political: Where Wildlife Thrive, People Thrive

Well-managed parks reap dividends for vulnerable communities. Our model ensures government and community representation on each park Board. We invest in schools, teacher salaries, medical units, and in sustainable livelihoods to build a constituency for conservation.

Socio-Political: Where Wildlife Thrive, People Thrive


Economic: Building A Conservation-Led Economy

Parks under our management generate revenue from job creation, tourism or other sustainable development projects. More jobs means more salaries and taxes are paid, stimulating a conservation-led economy. While tourism was down 50%, the parks continued to support thousands of people.

Economic: Building A Conservation-Led Economy


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