Isaac Mlilo
Workshop Supervisor
Park Management
Isaac first arrived in Majete in 2003 as a fencing technician, where he was part of the team to erect the first 35km of fenceline for the Majete sanctuary prior to the first wildlife introductions. He returned again in 2006 to supervise the construction of the park boundary fence, in total overseeing the construction of over 120km of fenceline.
After two years working on the fencelines, Isaac was then hired in the Majete workshop, where his potential shone through and he was appointed as the Workshop Supervisor in 2009. At the start of 2024, he was promoted to the Park Management Unit in recognition of the advanced level of responsibility he has taken on. Isaac’s primary responsibilities include management of the extensive vehicle fleet, road maintenance and fire management, but he is well known for being able to turn his hand to anything.
Prior to coming to Majete, Isaac attended Masasa Vocational Centre where he studied motor mechanics as well as doing attachments with Wollis Transport, where he was employed as a mechanic for 7 years.